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Check Out These Top 5 Videos About Stunting!

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In case you miss it, here are our best-picked stunting videos found on youtube once featured on Crescere’s website. The videos have all the basic knowledge about stunting that you need to know, starting from what it means until how to prevent it. Don’t forget to click the articles in the home section to get more insights about the topics. Grab your popcorn and enjoy!

  1. What is Stunting? Introduction to Stunting

Did you know what stunting means? Check out this amazing video by Digital Medic at Stanford University to know about stunting in a nutshell from the point of view of a health worker!


2. Protecting Indonesia's Future Generation from Stunting

According to the World Bank, 37% of Indonesian children under the age of five are stunted. The video starts with a mother named Baizul Fitri telling a story about her child who suffers from stunting even though she already gave him milk all the time. This video shows the situation of stunting in Indonesia as well as some explanation about it from the experts.

3. 'One third' of Indonesian children stunted by malnutrition

This video by Al Jazeera English shows the condition of stunted children in a small village in Western Java. Take a look at this video to see what kind of problems the families there are facing.

4. Stunting, Masalah Gizi Yang Pengaruhi Pertumbuhan

CNN Indonesia will take you to see the conditions of stunted children. The video tells a story about a family in Bogor who lost their child because of problems associated with nutrition. Moreover, You can also hear what the experts say about stunting in this video.

5. UNICEF - STOP STUNTING - Info Graphic Video

Do you know how to stop stunting? This video by UNICEF will give all the information you need to know how stunting happens and how to prevent it. Apparently, stunting might also associated with economic condition. Also, a proper nutrition and breastmilk are the keys to help prevent stunting in children. To know more, just click "play" on the video below!

Those are the 5 videos related to stunting. The lack of knowledge about stunting is still high in Indonesia. By providing these videos, we hope that we could help you have a better understanding about stunting. Once again, check our articles to know more!


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